EXCLUSIVE | The woman who had access to the Tate brothers’ accounts, alleged to have beaten her neighbours. The victims requested the help of the Police

EXCLUSIVE | The woman who had access to the Tate brothers' accounts, alleged to have beaten her neighbours. The victims requested the help of the Police
EXCLUSIVE | The woman who had access to the Tate brothers' accounts, alleged to have beaten her neighbours. The victims requested the help of the Police
Publicat: 10/01/2023, 07:00

The woman who had access to the millions in the accounts of the companies controlled by Andrew and Tristan Tate is targeted in a Police investigation after she was reported for having beaten her neighbours. In addition, there is also a complaint on her behalf at the Ilfov General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection.

Considered the „missing link” in the human trafficking case against the Tate brothers, after her name was nowhere to be found in the DIICOT prosecutors’ investigation, Ana B. has other issues with the authorities.

The woman, who lives in Popești-Leordeni, was reported to the police by some neighbours who complained that they had been assaulted after arguing with her.

Judicial sources told Gândul that, about a year and a half ago, Ana B. had several arguments with her neighbours, whom she reproached making too much noise. Because no matter how hard she tried, she didn’t seem to make them respect the quiet hours, the young woman called several of her friends, who allegedly assaulted the noisy neighbours.

The latter allegedly reported the incident to the Popești-Leordeni police, where a file was opened for assault and other violence, but a complaint was also made on her behalf to the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Ilfov, as she is the mother of a young child.

Avoided by authorities

As for her role in the Tate brothers’ business, Ana B. was the person who had the token devices from the banks, signed the contracts and paid the salaries of the video chat girls, in the position of „acting manager”.

In April, on the occasion of the first searches targeting the two Britons, the police also descended on Ana B’s villa, in Popești-Leordeni.

Eight months later, the DIICOT prosecutors returned to the addresses searched in the spring,  but not to Ana B’s home in Popești-Leordeni.

At the same time, Georgiana Naghel, who had the capacity of administrator in the main company of the Tate brothers, but also another trusted woman, Luana Alexandra Radu, former police officer of Section 7 in Bucharest, were remanded in custody.

Andrew and Tristan Tate have been in custody since December 29, after the searches conducted by the DIICOT prosecutors at their Pipera villa and video chat studio. Georgiana Naghel and Luana Alexandra Radu were arrested together with them.

The charges are of constituting an organized criminal group, trafficking in human beings and rape, and the prosecutors have provided sufficient grounds for the Bucharest court judges to decide to arrest the Tate brothers and the two Romanian women for 30 days.

Andrew and Tristan Tate, as well as the two Romanians, are awaiting the decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeal on Tuesday, where their lawyer has challenged their pre-trial detention.

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