An incredible change. What the former policewoman who worked for the Tate brothers looked like and what does she look like now, after almost two weeks in custody – EXCLUSIVE VIDEO

Publicat: 10/01/2023, 19:00
Actualizat: 11/01/2023, 20:34

She replaced the beauty parlour with the penitentiary, and it shows. Luana Alexandra Radu, the former 7th Station policewoman who worked with the Tate brothers, is almost unrecognisable after 12 days in custody. If before, she looked like a model, now she could go unnoticed.

Luana Alexandra Radu was brought before the Bucharest Court of Appeal on Tuesday, together with brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate. Their request for non-custodial interrogation is being heard there. (Read more details here….)

From a salary of 1,900 lei, Luana went on to earn thousands of euros, thanks to her connections with the Tate brothers. And it showed in the way she looked. Quality cosmetics, hyaluronic acid in the lips, a fresh complexion. All that, however, has become a memory.

What did Luana Alexandra Radu look like before her arrest. How does Luana Alexandra Radu look like now

Now Luana Alexandra Radu seems unrecognizable after almost two weeks in penitentiary.

With undyed hair, tired face and sporty clothes, the former policewoman from the Police Station 7 is just a shadow of the sexy woman of couple of weeks ago.

What was, before resigning from the Police, the fortune of the woman accused of helping brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate sexually exploit their victims. Luana had the rank of first officer

The former policewoman from the Police Station 7 in Bucharest, arrested on remand with brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, in the case of human trafficking and rape, quickly left the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI), but her last declaration of assets shows the financial situation she had before entering the service of the two.

After graduating from the Police Academy, Luana Alexandra Radu received the rank of sub-inspector (editor’s note: the lowest rank of officer) and was sent, according to the procedure, to get street experience as a public order policeman.

As a civil servant, she was obliged to complete an annual declaration of assets, stating the amounts received in the previous year, the real estate and cars owned, the amounts deposited in the bank, but also any loans.

Luana Alexandra Radu’s last signed asset declaration dates back to 2014, when she worked at the Police Station 7 and was still a sub-inspector, which means that she quickly gave up the uniform of a police officer.

According to her assets statement, the woman owned nothing at the time. No money in the bank, no cars, no house, no urban or agricultural land. No debts either. The amount of 1,900 lei is listed under the heading money received from salary, a sign that in 2013 she got to take only one salary.

Nine years after that last rookie cop paycheck, Luana Alexandra Radu, aka Ellie Dely, is posing in exclusive New York locations and wearing only clothes bearing the labels of luxury brands.

According to DIICOT, the former policewoman is accused that, after a period of working in the videochat studio, she became one of the key people of the brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, whom she helped to sexually exploit other women, recruited by her bosses with the „loverboy” method.

Britons Andrew and Tristan Tate, a former policewoman from Police Station 7 and another Romanian woman were detained on Thursday by the DIICOT prosecutors following searches.

On Friday, the Bucharest Court decided that all four will be remanded in custody for 30 days. The Tate brothers’ lawyer confirmed that arrest warrants had been issued for them and announced that the decision would be challenged at the Bucharest Court of Appeal.

After the court’s decision, brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, as well as the two Romanians, were taken to the Capital Police Detention Center.

The DIICOT Prosecutors identified six victims

Andrew and Tristan Tate are suspected that, together with the former policewoman from Police Station 7 in Bucharest and another Romanian woman, they „set up an organised criminal group with a view to committing the crime of trafficking in human beings in Romania, as well as in other countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom”.

Investigators have revealed that six victims have been identified so far, all recruited with the loverboy method.

They were then transported and housed in buildings located in Ilfov county where they were physically abused and psychologically coerced (through intimidation, constant surveillance, control and the allegation of debts), were sexually exploited by members of the group and forced into pornographic acts with a view to producing and disseminating such material via social media platforms and by being coerced into performing forced labour in order to gain substantial financial benefits in the form of money obtained as a result of the material being accessed by users, the DIICOT announced.


Otilia Serescu
Absolventă a Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științe ale Comunicării, Otilia Serescu a debutat în mai mult

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