PHOTO-VIDEO | Tristan Tate, visited in custody by his ex-girlfriend and their daughter. Who is Cristina Pazurati, the millionaire’s ex-life partner

Publicat: 19/01/2023, 17:20
Actualizat: 20/01/2023, 14:00

Happy day for Tristan Tate, even if he is behind bars. He was visited on Thursday by his ex-girlfriend and the daughter they have together. His former life partner went to the Capital Police Central Detention Center to visit the man with whom she has a child.

Cristina Pazurati,  Tristan Tate’s ex-girlfriend, arrived at the Capital Police Central Prison on Thursday around 9am. She went along with the daughter she has with Tristan.

The blonde did not want to make any statement in front of the journalists who asked her how the visit went and how Tristan is feeling.

We recommend you also read: EXCLUSIV | The fabulous watch collection seized from the villa of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate. A single watch costs as much as a studio apartment

Who is Cristina Pazurati

Cristina Pazurati is Tristan Tate’s ex-partner. In the past, she has told she did performance sports and has acting studies.

„ I studied at the Academy of Arts in Chisinau. I did some acting. I used to do performance kayaking. I was a double. (…) I gave up theatre because of the show I presented. I came back, started with videos. Now I’m trying to see what will come out on the music side.”, said Cristina Pazurati.

One of the victims in the case came to visit the Tate brothers but was denied access.

Also on Thursday, one of the  Tate brothers’  close friends, Beatrice, arrived at the central arrest.

The blonde, dressed in a short fur coat, appeared at the Capital’s Arrest to leave a bag of food, but was refused by the lawmen.

Judicial sources say that Beatrice is on the DIICOT list of persons injured by the Tate brothers, which is why she is not allowed to contact Andrew and Tristan.

Also on Thursday, diplomatic representatives providing consular assistance for the two brothers suspected of human trafficking, organized crime and rape are expected at the Capital’s Prison.

Andrew Tate: I’m entitled to five visitors.

Tristan Tate’s brother Andrew tweeted on Wednesday that he is entitled to five visits from close people and a meeting with his lawyer.

„ Four are family members and the fifth is Adin Ross”, tweeted Andrew Tate.

Adin later shared a YouTube message saying he would visit Andrew in custody.

„ Andrew Tate, I’ll see you in Romania after I drive my exotic car. I love you, brother”, streamed Adin, an American streamer popular on YouTube especially for streaming NBA 2K20 and GTA V.

Next week, the Tate brothers’ arrest warrant will expire, and the Bucharest court will decide whether or not to extend their detention.

We also recommend reading:

Andrew Tate, a CIA agent? The Tate brothers’ father allegedly worked for the Central Intelligence Agency

EXCLUSIVE. Numerologist Milena Haleț reveals what the numbers say about the Tate brothers: „ Andrew has leadership qualities, he is proud, authoritarian, intolerant, violent, can become cruel and irritable. Tristan is quick-tempered, choleric, impulsive.”. What 2023 brings them

Carla Adamescu
Carla Adamescu este un jurnalist cu experiență în domeniul social. A lucrat în presa locală și, ulterior, la publicații din Capitală. S-a mai mult

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