EXCLUSIVE IMAGES | „Bomber” Vlad Obu, investigated by DIICOT in the case of the Tate brothers: „I was heard as a witness, for now”

Publicat: 18/01/2023, 20:44
Actualizat: 25/01/2023, 13:00

„Bomber” Vlad Obu arrived at the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) office, where, from 09:00, his hearing by the  prosecutors began hearing him in the case against the Tate brothers.

Vlad Obu, also nicknamed the „imitation” of the Tate brothers, arrived this morning at the DIICOT office for hearings, after last Thursday police raided seven addresses in Bucharest and in Ilfov and Prahova counties, in connection with the case in which the Tate brothers are under preventive arrest.

UPDATE 2 – Vlad Obu, statements made after the hearings in the Tate brothers’ case.

After being heard by the DIICOT prosecutors in the case against brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, Vlad Obu made his first statements after leaving the DIICOT office.

The first remark made was also the most interesting: „I have been heard as a witness, for now”.

Asked if there were any complicating factors in his relationship with the Tate brothers, „Bomber” Obu replied: „ I had no business connections with the Tate brothers. I don’t know why it came to searches”.

Vlad Obu also said that he does not share the message that Andrew Tate is conveying in his public speech. „ I did not exchange anything with the Tate brothers (…) I have a different discourse; I have no connection.”

UPDATE 1Vlad Obu’s phone, investigated by the DIICOT prosecutors.

„Bomber” Obu is a witness in the case involving brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate.

According to judicial sources, the DIICOT prosecutors carried out today a computer search of his phone, in order to find new evidence regarding the manner in which the girls were recruited by the Tate brothers. However, other possible „dangerous connections” that may emerge from the search of Vlad Obu’s phone are also being considered.

The same sources also informed us that Bogdan Stancu, the former DIPI officer in charge of guarding the Tate brothers, will arrive at DIICOT on Thursday, January 19.

Lawyer: ”Nothing found so far”

Several of these locations are related to Vlad Obu, a young Romanian considered the „imitation” of the Tate brothers, whom he strives to copy and to whom he is close to.

Before entering the hearing, Vlad Obu’s lawyer said, „We are talking about a witness and a presumption that the press always respects.”

Asked if any incriminating messages were found on his client’s phone, which would show he was connected to the Tate brothers’ businesses, the lawyer replied: „You have no record of any IT search being carried out, so nothing was found at this stage”.

In turn, Vlad Obu rushed past the journalists present at the DIICOT headquarters and refused to answer the questions he was asked.

Vlad Obu, fighter and videochat studio owner

The man has the same passions as the Tate brothers: expensive cars, hundreds of euros worth of drinks and the presence of beautiful women.

He came to Bucharest from Galati, he is a videochat studio owner and martial arts fighter. He also owns several luxury properties.

On social networks, he exploits the image of women in his circle of acquaintances to gain notoriety on the Internet. He puts them in offensive poses and brags about it.

What’s more, Obu, whose real name is Vlad Cristian Obuzic, tattoos women with his name and cultivates his image as a true misogynist online guru with toxic speeches. Vlad Cristian Obuzic is 30 years old and has quickly made it to the good world of the capital. He gained fame with a Twitter account spreading the misogynistic rants of two Brits. In a short time, she became an influencer and role model for thousands of teenagers, reports observatornews.ro.

Like the Tate brothers, Vlad Obu also has a „money-making academy”. For $500 a year, he teaches boys the „school of life” and contempt for women.

What’s more, following the Brits’ model, the girls in his entourage have tattooed his name on their bodies, and in a video, he brags about the bruises on his girlfriend’s body.

“I have always tried to make the perception of myself as close to reality as possible. I saw this at the Tate, it’s even more. His real life is much better than what you see on the net”, said Vlad Obu, in a podcast.


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EXCLUSIVE PHOTO | The first images of the Tate brothers before entering the courtroom at the Bucharest Court of Appeal. The book Andrew Tate was holding when he came out of the police van

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EXCLUSIVE PHOTO | The first images of the Tate brothers before entering the courtroom at the Bucharest Court of Appeal. The book Andrew Tate was holding when he came out of the police van

VIDEO | Brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate find out today if they will be released or remain in custody. DIICOT opposes the release, the lawyer claims that there is no evidence for the prosecutors’ accusations

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EXCLUSIVE. The lawyer of the Tate brothers, Eugen Vidineac, breaks the silence and talks about the flaws in the evidence of the file instrumented by the DIICOT: “We requested the Prosecutor’s Office to confront the victims with the defendants!”. Find out why the US Embassy is in an unprecedented situation and about the children of the Tate brothers in Romania

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