Trace construction group has big chances to INAUGURATE the first km of A7 in October / Works on the segment Mizil – Pietroasele reached 87%

Trace construction group has big chances to INAUGURATE the first km of A7 in October / Works on the segment Mizil - Pietroasele reached 87%
Publicat: 08/08/2024, 12:00

The National Road Infrastructure Administration Company (CNAIR) head, Cristian Pistol, on Wednesday, checked the status of the works taking place on the construction sites of Ploiesti-Buzau Highway’s three segments. He has said that the mobilization of activity will make possible opening the first 49.35 km of the A7 highway this year.

The CNAIR representatives anticipate the completion of several works taking place on A7, Ploiești – Buzău, as well as on the connecting arteries with A3.

The head of the National Road Infrastructure Administration Company (CNAIR), Cristian Pistol, accompanied Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu to the sites, on Wednesday, to check the stages and the quality of the works carried out on these sections.

”We have checked today the works on the construction sites of the A7 highway’s three segments, between Ploiești and Buzău! The mobilization on the first two lots makes it possible to open the first 49.35 km this year. Also, this year, the road junction in Dumbrava will be completed, which will ensure the connection between the A7 and the A3. The physical condition on the 21 km of Segment 1 (Dumbrava – Mizil) has reached 79%. The Romanian-Italian association has a good mobilization on the ground, with 759 workers and 315 machines. On Segment 2 Mizil – Pietroasele (28.35 km), the Romanian-Bulgarian association has a physical stage of 87%. And there is a good mobilization here, with 380 workers and 571 machines. On Segment 3, between Pietroasele and Buzău Municipality (13.9 km), the association of Turkish constructors has reached a physical stage of 8.5%, the works being on schedule. Although the contract for this segment was the last being signed (due to multiple appeals), the Turkish builder is making good progress. The contractual deadline for completion on this segment is November 2025”.

The Bulgarian constructor Trace has been designated winner on Segment 2 Mizil – Pietroasele (28.35 km) of the A7 Ploiești – Buzău highway, part of Moldova Highway, alongside the Romanians from Coni.

On 7 June, 2022, the contract was signed, and the order to start the works was issued on 11 August.

According to CNAIR data, the duration of the contract is 20 months, and its value is 1,249,992,665 lei, excluding VAT.

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