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Autoturismul Ford Escort RS Turbo, condus de Prințesa Diana între 1985 și 1988, va fi scos la licitație

PRINCESS Dianas much loved Ford Escort RS Turbo is up for sale - 25 years on from her death. The historic hot hatch was driven by the Peoples Princess from 1985 to 1988, just four years after she was married to Charles. Much less flashy than her later cars, mum-of-two Diana shunned the Royals Rolls-Royces and Daimlers for the modest Escort. Auctioneers aren't sure exactly how much the iconic motor will fetch, but are confident the mysterious number will be "six figures". The car would have been driven by the Princess with a detective in the passenger seat. Silverstone Auctions, who are selling the iconic machine on August 27, said: Parallels could be drawn with the RS Turbo's reputation as the People's Sports Car and the honorific of People's Princess bestowed by the British public on Princess Diana. The RS Turbo was never designed to be driven by the wife of the second in line to the British throne nor to transport the future King. We note with interest that whilst Diana's later choice of luxury cars may have been more expensive when new, but the Ford Escort RS Turbo far outperforms them at auction, selling in some cases for three times the price of equivalent models. The 132 horsepower Ford was a replacement for her previous Escort - which was red and had a canvas folding roof. SO14, the royal protection service, made her change this because it gave her little privacy and no protection at the height of the IRAs terror campagn. The stealthy, black Escort RS Turbo was insisted on by the royal and was given a special stealth makeover by Fords Special Vehicle Engineering department. It was given a regular five-slat front grille, rather than the usual three, and a second rear view mirror for the protection officer with a radio in the glove box. But it was still delivered with the blue RS striped decals and front fog lamps. It is thought that the Ford provided a break from her official duties and would have been used for meeting girlfriends for lunch or nipping to the shops. Silverstone Auctions Classic Car Specialist Arwel Richards added: "We have sold a number of motorcars that have had a Royal pedigree but this car ticks every box in terms of history, rarity, condition and mileage. The market adores early Ford RS models. "When Royal cars come to auction they're usually Rolls-Royces or Range Rovers so to offer the very best example of the working class hero's sports hatchback with such provenance is perhaps unique and therefore very exciting. "Isn't it fascinating that the Escort RS Turbo was to be synonymous with the white stilettos of Essex but it's first champion was the most glamorous woman on earth?" After Diana, the car was bought for £2,638 by Ford manager Geoff King for his wife. In September 1993, it was part of a promotional giveaway by Kiss FM and won by a Miss Jones of Essex. It was owned from 1994 to 2008 by a Mr Windsor before being added to one of the best Ford RS collections in the UK. With less than 25,000 miles on the clock, the car is in exceptional condition and comes with a Lifetime Tracker, a spare key, Ford internal memos and the cars registration documents. 01 Aug 2022,Image: 711113694, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO United Kingdom, Model Release: no, Pictured: Princess Diana, Credit line: Profimedia

Autoturismul Ford Escort RS Turbo, condus de Prințesa Diana între 1985 și 1988, va fi scos la licitație în data de 27 august 2022 și se așteaptă ca prețul de vânzare să conțină „șase cifre”. Evenimentul are loc la 25 de ani de la moartea sa.

Mașina are aproximativ 40.000 de kilometri la bord și se află în stare tehnică și estetică excelentă. De altfel, acest model de Ford este unul foarte căutat, dar la fel se întâmplă – de obicei – cu mașinile Familiei Regale din Marea Britanie, deși acestea sunt de obicei modele Rolls Royce sau Land Rover.

FOTO – Profimedia

Când Prințesa Diana a renunțat la automobil, în 1988, ea a revenit companiei Ford și a fost achiziționată de șeful departamentului de Vânzări Guvernamentale, Geoff King, care a luat-o pentru soția sa.

Ulterior, mașina a schimbat mai mulți proprietari, până să ajungă în posesia unui colecționar, potrivit

FOTO – Profimedia

Un alt model Ford Escort, primit de Prințesa Diana în 1981 de la Prințul Charles, drept cadou de logodnă, a fost vândut în 2021 contra sumei de 60.500 de euro.

25 de ani de la moartea Prințesei Diana, care a decedat într-un accident rutier petrecut în Paris

La finalul lunii august se împlinesc 25 de ani de la moartea Prințesei Diana. Ea a murit pe 31 august 1997, după ce mașina în care se afla, Mercedes Clasa S, alături de Dodi Fayed, fiul miliardarului Mohamed Al Fayed, șoferul Henri Paul și bodyguardul Trevor Rees Jones a fost implicată într-un accident în tunelul Pont de l’Alma din Paris.

Mașina se deplasa cu 105 km/oră în tunel, iar martorii au declarat că fotografi pe motociclete urmăreau Mercedesul.

Dodi Fayed și Henri Paul au murit pe loc, iar Trevor Rees Jones a fost rănit grav, dar a supraviețuit evenimentului rutier. Prințesa Diana, grav rănită, a murit în dimineața zilei de 31 august.

Autorităție franceze au concluzionat, în 1999, că Mercedesul ar fi avut contact cu un Fiat Uno în tunel, însă acea mașină și persoana aflată la volan nu au fost identificate niciodată.

De asemenea, autoritățile juridicare din Franța au atribuit în 1999 vina accidentului șoferului Henri Paul, care ar fi pierdut controlul mașinii pentru că era beat.

FOTO – Profimedia

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