EXCLUSIVE. The searches in the Tate brothers’ case also targeted the young woman responsible for paying the girls who do videochat. The reason why Tristan Tate’s girlfriend was not found at home

EXCLUSIVE. The searches in the Tate brothers' case also targeted the young woman responsible for paying the girls who do videochat. The reason why Tristan Tate's girlfriend was not found at home
Frații Andrew (s) și Tristan Tate

The searches carried out on Thursday by DIICOT prosecutors, in the case of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, also targeted the Popești Leordeni apartment of the person in charge of the payments for videochat girls and OnlyFans, named Ana. Judicial sources revealed to GÂNDUL that a computer and her phone were taken from Ana’s house.

On the other hand, the same sources indicate that the police raided also Tristan Tate’s girlfriend’s house because he had told the court, during the trial of the appeal against the measure of preventive arrest, that his girlfriend is due to give birth soon, this being their second child.

Sources: Tristan Tate’s girlfriend reportedly gave birth a few days ago

The young woman was not found at home. From confidential sources, GÂNDUL has learned that Tristan Tate’s girlfriend gave birth a few days ago. It’s all possible that this is why Tristan’s girlfriend wasn’t at home.
On Thursday, in the early hours of the morning, the prosecutors and the police went to several addresses in the counties of Ilfov and Prahova and in the city of Bucharest, where they conducted searches in the case of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate.

In total, seven locations were targeted by the prosecutors. Evidence was taken from video chat room owners allegedly linked to brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate.

One of the raids targeted Vlad Obu, a former martial arts fighter, who runs a video chat studio in Voluntari. Sources close to the investigation told GÂNDUL that documents are being checked and equipment has been collected for the computer search.

According to GÂNDUL sources, investigators are likely to extend the prosecution in the case against the two millionaires of British origin, in the case opened by DIICOT.

Official DIICOT press release

“This morning, the DIICOT prosecutors – Central Structure, in the continuation of the investigations in the case concerning the commission of the offences of establishing an organized criminal group, human trafficking and rape, are executing seven house search warrants in the city of Bucharest as well as Ilfov and Prahova counties.
The judicial activities are carried out together with police officers from BCCO Bucharest and SCCO Ilfov.
We would like to point out that throughout the criminal proceedings the persons under investigation benefit from the procedural rights and guarantees provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as the presumption of innocence,” DIICOT said on Thursday morning.

First searches in April 2022

DIICOT carried out the first searches in this case on April 11, 2022, when several computers, laptops and equipment were seized from the Tate brothers’ Pipera home.
On the same day, other locations in Ilfov county were also targeted, and the searches took place after the US Embassy in Bucharest had notified the police that a young woman with American citizenship was being held by force in a villa owned by the two Brits. She was allegedly lured to Romania with the famous „loverboy” method, used by many human traffickers, and later forced to video chat.
The Tate brothers are accused by the DIICOT prosecutors of having, in 2021, „established an organized criminal group with a view to committing the crime of human trafficking on the territory of Romania, but also in other countries, such as the United States of America and Great Britain”.

„They were then transported and housed in buildings located in Ilfov county where they were physically abused and psychologically coerced (through intimidation, constant surveillance, control and the allegation of debts), were sexually exploited by members of the group and forced into pornographic acts with a view to producing and disseminating such material via social media platforms and by being coerced into performing forced labor in order to gain substantial financial benefits in the form of money obtained as a result of the material being accessed by users”, according to DIICOT.

Anti-mafia prosecutors charge one of the Tate brothers with three human trafficking offences involving two victims and an injured person, and the other with three human trafficking offences involving one victim and two injured persons.

Former policewoman Luana Alexandra Radu is charged with five human trafficking offences involving three victims and two injured persons, and Georgiana Naghel with six human trafficking offences in the case of three victims and three injured persons.

10 properties of the Tate brothers, targeted and „seized” by the DIICOT prosecutors

On December 29, 2022, the DIICOT prosecutors searched for the second time the villa in Pipera of the Tate brothers and the video chat studio they own, and several pieces of evidence were seized from the buildings searched at the time, including the computers used in the video chat business, laptops with databases and sums of money.

Following the checks, the prosecutors have seized no less than 10 properties belonging to brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, located in Bucharest, Ilfov County, Prahova Valley and other counties. Investigators are also to establish how these properties were obtained and whether they were used by brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate for other criminal activities, which would have brought them large sums of money from the sexual exploitation of young women, judicial sources told Gândul at the time.

Brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate were also left without the luxury cars found by prosecutors in the courtyard of their Pipera villa, worth hundreds of thousands of euros.

Among the cars seized by the DIICOT prosecutors we find an Aston Martin Vanquish S Ultimate worth €250,000, a Rolls Royce Wraith Black Badge worth €360,000, a BMW X6 M worth €30,000 and a Lada 1500 worth around €10,000. A Porsche Carrera 4S 911 992 with a market value of €120,000 is also under seizure.

„Leaving the defendants at large poses a danger to public order.”

The Judge of Rights and Freedoms found that letting brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate go free would pose „a danger to public order” (detailed information HERE).

Andrew and Tristan Tate have shown „a fundamental disregard for the social relationships protected by criminal law”. They had the „ability” to identify exactly the vulnerable people who could later serve their purposes, taking advantage – through a constant sentimental manipulation – of the victims’ needs for affection, trust, and stability.

„The judge of rights and freedoms holds that leaving the defendants at liberty presents a danger to public order and it is necessary to take the measure of preventive detention to remove this state of danger, given the particular gravity of the crimes committed by the defendants, the concrete manner in which they acted, showing a fundamental disregard for the social relations protected by criminal law,” it is also stated in the conclusion of the hearing presented by Gândul.

The defendants’ (n.e. – brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate) ability to identify vulnerable persons and to exploit their needs for affection, trust, stability, creating the impression of a close relationship and thus removing any suspicion that the victims might have had, is noted, the need for attention and affection on the part of the defendants being then exploited in order to induce them to perform the activities described above. Nor can the contribution of the defendants (…), who carried out for the defendants the constant supervision of the victims, coordinated their daily work, and exerted psychological pressure on them to work as much as possible, be ignored.”
Extract from the conclusion of the hearing of 30.12.2022 – Bucharest Tribunal

Adina Anghelescu
Cunoscut jurnalist de investigatii, generatia presei anilor '90, prin condeiul căreia au trecut toate marile scandaluri ale ultimilor 30 de ani. Licențiat mai mult

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