EXCLUSIVE | Why did the Tate brothers choose to traffic people in Romania. Wrestlers Andrew and Tristan Tate analyzed the habits of our country’s most dangerous gangsters

EXCLUSIVE | Why did the Tate brothers choose to traffic people in Romania. Wrestlers Andrew and Tristan Tate analyzed the habits of our country's most dangerous gangsters
EXCLUSIVE | Why did the Tate brothers choose to traffic people in Romania
Publicat: 09/01/2023, 21:22

The brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate have chosen to enter the virtual sex market in Romania, after initially analyzing the modus operandi of violent groups in our country. Thus, the two Britons came to the conclusion that Romania is a safe country, compared to Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania or the Republic of Moldova, where, for money, they could have been killed at any time by local thugs.

The two brothers came to Romania in 2016, after Andrew Tate, at that time known only as a professional kickboxer, was kicked off the Big Brother show broadcast by a British television. He was banned after footage emerged of him hitting a woman outside the show.

Shortly after they arrived in Romania, Tristan Tate, Andrew’s younger brother, known as Cobra, appeared in an MMA gala, where he faced Adrian Preda, one of the most valuable Romanian athletes in the field of mixed martial arts.

Tristan Tate lost that match by KO after only a few seconds, and his name went unnoticed by the press. However, he was to make a strong comeback in 2018, arm in arm with Bianca Drăgușanu, whom he had conquered after initially approaching her on Facebook.

The tabloids wrote at that time about the fabulous wealth of the Tate brothers, who had in the meanwhile settled in a villa in Pipera, in the courtyard of which cars worth hundreds of thousands of euros were parked.

In this context, the two brothers associated the unusual opulence they showed off with the inheritance of a hotel their father had owned in Thailand. However, the Romanian underworld was already talking about the fact that the wealth of the two did not come from tourism, but from a video chat studio.

They feared for their lives

This would become public last year, in April, after the Ilfov police descended on both the villa in Pipera and the building where the video chat studio was operating, following a notification from the US Embassy in Bucharest, according to which the two brothers allegedly kidnapped a young woman with American citizenship.

Sources among the investigators stated, for Gândul that brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate have chosen to come to Romania after considering it the safest country in Eastern Europe. The two would have analyzed crime in our country and would have come to the conclusion that Romanian criminals do not commit the crimes that Serbs, Albanians, Bulgarians, Russians or Bassarabians are willing to perpetrate.

The two had considered some contacts with the local underworld given the nature of the business they were going to develop. That’s why they needed to settle in a country where women could be more easily impressed and induced to sell their bodies for less money than in Western countries.

As a result, Romania was considered as an ideal destination, but to be sure that they stayed out of trouble, they hired only guards with military training, who watched over their villa 24 hours a day.

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