Top 15 interesting facts about Mexico City

Publicat: 24/10/2013, 14:01
Actualizat: 22/03/2019, 14:02

Mexico City, home to more than 20 million people, is located in the Valley of Mexico and is considered to be one of the most important economic hubs in Latin America.

The city is built on lake Texcoco and it has sunk over the past century over nine meters in some areas.

This is just one of the interesting facts about Mexico City. You can find 15 more of them below, according to

1. Some of the nicknames for Mexico City are „City of Hope”, „City of the Palaces” and „Capital in Movement”.

2. Mexico City is the largest metropolitan area in the Western hemisphere.

3. The largest concentration of Americans living outside of the United States of America is found in Mexico City.

4. More than 4 million people use on a daily basis the subway transportation in Mexico City.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

5. Every Winter, the largest square in the city center is transformed into the largest ice skating ring in the world.

6. Carlos Slim, one of the richest men in the world, lives in Mexico City.

7. Mexico City is considered a safer place than other major cities in the world, like Moscow or Washington DC.

8. Mexico City is considered the richest city in Latin America.

9. You can find more than 160 museums in Mexico City. This is largest number of museums found in any city worldwide.

10. You can find one of the longest avenues in the world in Mexico City. It is called Avenida de los Insurgentes.

11. Six Flags Mexico, the largest amusement park in Latin America, can be found in Mexico City.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

12. The oldest university in both the United States of America and North America is placed in Mexico City.

13. There are more than 60 radio station in Mexico City.

14. Ten years ago, thousands of Mexico City”s inhibiters suffered and even died from diseases caused by the air pollution.

15. Mexico City has the fourth highest number of theatres in the world.

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