EXCLUSIVE | What did the investigators discover in the past of the former policewoman who went into the Tate brothers’ service. Luana Radu had close ties with some VIPs in Bucharest

EXCLUSIVE | What did the investigators discover in the past of the former policewoman who went into the Tate brothers' service. Luana Radu had close ties with some VIPs in Bucharest
Publicat: 06/03/2023, 07:40
Actualizat: 07/03/2023, 16:45

Luana Radu, the former policewoman from the Police Station 7 in Bucharest, arrested on remand in the case of the Tate brothers, is said to had close ties with the worldly circles in the Capital. In this sense, the young woman allegedly had an affair with a man in the management of one of the most famous clubs in Bucharest.

The first details about Luana Radu’s past surfaced immediately after the DIICOT prosecutors conducted raids on the villa and videochat studio in Pipera of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate. At the time it was revealed that Luana Radu had graduated from the Police Academy and had worked, for a short period, at the Criminal Investigations Bureau of the Police Station 7.

It was also revealed about Luana Radu that she never hid the fact that she wanted to start doing videochat and resigned from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI).

Having joined the Tate brothers’ team of sex workers, she underwent cosmetic beauty operations and over time became, alongside Georgiana Naghel, one of the British millionaires’ most trusted people. Luana Radu is accused of controlling the girls exploited in the videochat studio with an iron fist for years and, according to sources in the investigation, she was even more aggressive than the two men with British and American citizenship.

Sources close to the investigation revealed to Gândul that Luana Radu’s links with videochat began when she was still at the Police Academy. In this sense, the woman was allegedly in a romantic relationship with a colleague who, like her, had given up a career in law enforcement to provide virtual sex services in video chat.

In addition, sources say, the young woman was also having an affair with a man in management of a luxury club in Sector 2, right in the area of jurisdiction of Police Station 7, where she worked for a while as a policewoman.

As a matter of fact, brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate used to frequent that club, where they were known as some of the best customers. They always had large bills and the security services paid them separately, at around 1,000 Euros for a single evening.

Former policewoman, helped to get into MAI databases

Moreover, the DIICOT prosecutors investigating the case found, following computer searches, that Luana Radu had been helped to access the MAI databases.

„ Between April 2022 and December 2022, she carried out investigations, including in the MAI databases, with regard to the inquiry and prosecution bodies carrying out investigations in the present case (…) it being impossible for the defendant to access the MAI database without the support of other persons”, the Bucharest Court judge stated in the motivation of the decision of the 21st of February, when he extended the preventive arrest warrants only for Andrew and Tristan Tate, and in the case of the two women who were their accomplices he decided to place them under house arrest.

If the prosecutors failed to convince the Bucharest Court judge to keep Luana Radu and Georgiana Naghel in pre-trial detention for another 30 days, at the Bucharest Court of Appeal, the magistrates decided on 27 February that there was sufficient evidence for them to remain in prison, just like the Tate brothers.

Andrew and Tristan Tate, together with Luana Radu and Georgiana Naghel, were arrested on the 29th of December 2022 and remanded in custody a day later, at the request of the DIICOT prosecutors, who accuse them of „setting up an organized criminal group to commit the crime of human trafficking in Romania and other countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, during 2021”.


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